Everything you need to know about Roller Blinds

Roller blinds are very good choice for not just windows treatment but also for updating an interior. You
can use them for blocking sunlight especially in summers and maintaining privacy of the room from the
outside invasions. This is functional advantage of roller blinds. But you can choose fabric, color, design
and texture of the blind to match the interior of the room. Thus roller blinds also offer aesthetic value to
your interiors. However, before you use them you need to know some major things about roller blinds.
Here are some points you need to know about roller blinds.

1. Why to use roller blinds
Well, apart from blocking and filtering unwanted light into your room you can also maintain privacy by
using roller blinds. They also offer monetary benefits when they filter or block light. They keep your
room cooler in summers and allow you to keep your room warmer in winters. Thus they cut down
significantly on your energy consumption and cost.

2. Types of roller blinds
Depending on the material used for the blind there are different varieties of them. They include Light
filtering roller blinds, blockout roller blinds and sunscreen roller blinds. You can find all these materials
available in different colors and designs. They come with wonderful UV ratings which help in protecting
the furnishings in your house.

3. Where to use roller blinds
You can use roller blinds in different places in your home. This includes your bedroom, kitchen, living
rooms and bathrooms. You can also use them in your office. Choice of roller blind for a particular room
or space depends on what is your preference there in terms of blocking light and marinating privacy. In
this sense, Blockout blinds are perfect choice for bedrooms because they block unwanted light and also
provide you privacy. Similarly, blockout and sunscreen blinds are two good choices for kitchen because
you may not need absolute privacy in your kitchen.

4. How to measure
You can choose recess measurement mainly in two ways. One option is when you want your blind to fit
within your window recess and second option is when you want your roller blind to fit outside the
window recess. You are also suggested that if you want to choose a roller blind to fit outside a window
recess then you should go for the blind extending at least 100mm beyond each side of the window

5. How to maintain roller blinds
Roller blinds are very easy to maintain. If you want to remove accumulated dust on the blind, you can
use a vacuum cleaner. For minor stains, you can simply use a damp cloth to clean it. When cleaning you
should not be too rough on the fabric of the roll because it may damage its coating or its color may fade

as well. When the roller requires major cleaning, you are suggested to use guidelines given to you from
the fabric manufacturer. For more details about material for maintenance purpose you can contact your
roller blind supplier. If you request them they will usually send you common spare parts if required.

Everything you need to know about sheer curtains

Sheer curtain is a very good choice for your windows treatment. Sheer curtains are light
and airy and they have superb functionality. They filter and defuse light during the day
which you want especially during summers. Sheer curtains also let you maintain your
privacy. But sheer curtains are not just about their functionality as they also add look
and feel value to your space. Sheer curtains are made of different kinds of fabrics in
different colors and patterns. You can choose the best sheer curtain after evaluating
both functionality and styling part of it.

Now, you may like to know more about sheer curtains. So, here are things that you
need to know about sheer curtains.

1. What fabric/materials they are made of?

Sheer curtains are made of variety of materials which include cotton fabric, high end
polyesters, silk, and voile. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages
and you can choose the material as per the advantage you are looking for and
disadvantages you want to avoid. Talking about benefits, cotton fabric creates fine
texture while polyester gives you glamorous look and they are cost effective, easy to
clean and maintain. So, lighter fabric give casual feel and filter light, while denser fabrics
give more formal feel and add more privacy.

2. How to use sheer curtains?

Sheer curtains filter light but they don’t block light. So, you can use them for windows
and other non-living areas throughout your home like hall, bed canopies, doorways and
stairwells. You can use sheer curtains for privacy purpose also. Sheer curtains are light
weight and easy to hang.
You can use sheer curtains for layering purpose as well. For this, you can use set of
sheer curtains behind heavier curtains. Sheers can also be used as an elegant room
divider if there is a large open plan space.

3. Where they can be used best?

Sheer curtains are best for rooms and spaces where your purpose is to get defused
light along with privacy. So, those rooms and windows where there comes lot of light in
your home, you can use sheers. However, sheers may not be the best choice for
kitchen and bathroom because of the heat and moisture coming in through the fabric it
is made of.

4. What should be the measurement of sheers?

For the width measurements you need to measure the width of the window and then
add the required stackback to it. Stackback is the amount of wall space at either side of
window the curtain occupies when curtain is fully open. You can also double or triple the
length of the window if you want. For length of the sheer you can measure from the top
of the curtain rod which you should fix closer to the ceiling rather than the top of your
window or from the pin carrier to the desired length. Length also depends on the design
and your personal preferences.
When it comes to sheer curtains in Dubai, you get plenty of options. The only limit is
your creativity and budget.

5 Reasons Why Roller Blinds are Perfect for the Office

Roller blinds are single piece fabric wrapped around a casing which you can fit on top of a window frame. Roller blinds are simple and easy to operate. One can simply roll it up or down to achieve required level of shading. You can buy roller blinders for home and office both. Roller blinds are good choice for office because of some advantages it offers. Let us see some of the reasons why roller blinders are perfect choice for offices:

  1. Temperature control

During hot summers when temperature is over 40 degree sun light coming from the window raises the heat into the office room. This is where rollers blinds work superbly as they stop sun from coming in that keeps your office little cooler. Not only that when temperature is mild in post monsoon season, you can open the windows and this is sufficient to keep your office warm. This is economy booster as well as it saves lot of electricity bills.

  1. Furniture protection

Your office has lot of furniture like table, chair, computers, carpets etc. Harmful sun rays entering into your office over a period of time has damaging effects on your office furniture. You can safeguard them by blocking harmful sun rays and keeping them under check using roller blinds. Thus your furniture is safe from harsh exposure and has also a long life.

  1. Privacy and security enhancement

If one cannot see things from outside then both security and privacy are automatically enhanced. Those looking to make inroad into your office for a wrong reason or for any reason will simply be discouraged when you keep your roller blind pulled down. This is even more helpful when your office is at the ground floor.

  1. Style addition

Yes, there are obvious functional benefits of using roller blinds but you want more than that. Roller blinds offer lot of value to your interiors. They simply add to existing dress up of your office interior. You can match the roller blinds with office design. This will create lot of positivity and style value in the minds of your customers when they visit your office. Your office employees will also feel good working in that ambience. It also increases the value of your property.

  1. Minimum maintenance

Maintenance can be a big overhead and headache too. But with roller blinds you don’t need to worry about that too. You don’t have to clean your windows all the time anymore. Roller blinds are also fresh and nice despite harsh conditions outside like storms, rain etc. Roller blinds don’t need much of maintenance. You can simply follow some basic upkeep tips and your roller blinds will be fine for long period of time.

So, these are some reasons why you should choose roller blinds for your office. If you thought they only work well for home then think again. The technician from the company will give you some basic guide during installation and then you can relax without having to worry about buying or changing the blinds for years.

6 reasons to buy made to measure or custom made curtains

If you are planning to install curtains in your home then you basically have two options to choose from. One option is to buy ready-made curtains and the other option is to buy made to measure curtains. You need to decide whether you want to go for readymade curtains or you want to buy  custom made or made to measure curtains. However before you decide this, it is better if you know the reasons why you should choose one or the other. So, here we are talking about 6 reasons to buy made to measure or custom made curtains.

  1. You get what you want

This is the best part of going for custom made curtains. You don’t need to compromise at all. You know your space the best. With made to measure option, you can choose exact color, pattern, texture, length, design, material, shading and all other factors that suit your home space the best. So, it is in your hand to decide the end product.

  1. You get unique product

If you want curtain that is not same and does not look similar to what is there in your neighbor’s home then you cannot go for ready made option. With custom made option, you get a unique product of your choice. You can choose curtains that suit the interior design of your home perfectly. You can add lot of values to your home by choosing unique curtains.

  1. Right curtain for right place

Different rooms, windows and doors may require different curtains. You can get absolutely right curtains for right place in your homes. For example, while choosing a curtain for your bedroom if your priority is to block the light, the consultant will help you with different lining options to meet your priority.

  1. Perfect measurements

An ill measured curtain may not solve your need and may be irritating also. When you choose custom made option, you get the services of expert who takes the right measurements because they know their job quite well.

  1. Best quality product

Quality is something you should not compromise with. You can choose best curtain manufacturer because they will deliver you a finished product in which quality and attention to detail will be beyond your expectations more often than not. You will also get warranty on your product.

  1. Financial assistance

You do want the best curtains but you also want affordable product. Specialist curtain manufacturers will provide you finance options to help make the product affordable. So, your financial part is also taken care of when you choose to go for made to measure option.

Some Reasons to Replace Your Window Blinds immediately

Thinking about changing the window blinds but not sure. Blinds play a crucial role in overall stylizing of a room. At the same time we can effectively manage outside light and south with carefully chosen blinds. But when shall we consider changing the blinds in our room. There may be various reasons for changing blinds and here we are discussing some.


They look outdated

The design and patterns of blinds are getting changed time to time. And may be the blinds of your room are completely outdated. It may be embarrassing for you especially if you are fashion conscious.


Blinds are beyond repair

Sometimes we can repair the blinds if not functioning properly. But what if they are beyond repair, then you must thinking about replacing them


Not matching with interior

You have recently changed the interior of the room and now blinds are not matching with anything. Then it is better to change the blinds with blinds, which go well with other things.


Facing difficult to operate

Are your windows blinds are too heavy to operate or having other issues for smooth functioning? Then you must think to replace the blinds with lighter blinds. At the time of blinds buying along with design and look you must check whether blinds are easy to operate


Blinds are not fitting properly

Are the blinds are not fitting properly according to windows size? It may be due non-standardized window size or you have bought wrong size blinds. So you shall go for custom made blinds or replace the existing blinds with properly fitted ones


Blinds are not meeting your requirements

May be the blinds you have, are not fulfilling your requirement. Like you need more light in your living room or the privacy of the room is compromised. Then you should change the blinds with the perfect ones as per your requirement


Blinds are too old

 Have you not bothered to change the blinds for many years? Sometimes we never give attention and the blinds are not changed forever. So, it is time to think about replacing the blinds with new.


The decision of the changing the blinds is completely upon you. You may just want to change blinds, as you don’t like them at all. Then explore the markets near you and buy the perfect blinds, you are always thinking about.

Buy made to measure curtains in Dubai

Curtains are the essential parts of our room. We all want beautiful and elegant curtains to stylize our rooms according to our preference. There are different curtains varieties are available. Especially if you stay, you can buy the best brands and qualities of curtains. We can either buy ready made curtains or go for specially made to measure curtains for our home. Made to measure curtains allow us to make curtains of specific size for non-standardized windows. People generally buy made to measure curtains when they do not find ready made curtains in for their windows. However there are other benefits also with made measure or customized curtains.

You can order made to measure curtains according to you room interior and look. Though made to measure curtains are costlier however in long run it gives you more value for money. Customers have more control over the functionality of curtains with made to measure curtains. We can make curtains according to the need of light and temperature in the room. Though we can have different options in ready-made curtains but the choices of fabric and pattern are very vast in custom made curtains.

Dubai is definitely one of the best places to buy ready-made as well as custom made curtains. We can explore different markets of Dubai to get the best quality curtains at affordable price. Different brands and companies are available in Dubai, which offer made to measure curtains to customers. There are many options for fabrics and patterns are available along with manufacturer, which are specifically kept for made to measure curtains. Empire curtains is the leading provider of made to measure curtains in Dubai. It is in curtain business for over seven years in Dubai. The custom made curtains from Empire Curtains can give amazing finishing touch to any room. There are many colors, styles and fabrics available to select from and create personalized curtains for your space. Expert and skilled technicians work relentlessly to provide best fitted curtains to the customers. So when it comes to custom made curtains in Dubai trust the excellence of Empire Curtains.

Few good reasons why you should buy blackout curtains

Choosing the right kind of curtains for your windows and door can be a challenging work. We all want best quality curtains, which compliment the room décor and aesthetically beautiful. While selecting curtains, we have many varieties available in the market. And blackout curtains are one of the many types of curtains, popular among people. Blackout curtains designed to block lights into the room and made from a heavy and tightly woven fabrics. However many of us abstain from buying blackout curtains for our room for various reasons. So here are few good reasons to buy blackout curtains for the windows and doors.

• Manage light in the room

Blackout curtains are the perfect choice if you want dark and intense environment in the room. These curtains are made to block light from external source through the curtains. You can manage the light by opening or closing the curtains.

• Help to sleep better

Blackout curtains block the sunlight effectively, so we can have a better sleep in the morning. We have more sound sleet when there is no light and therefore blackout curtains naturally create the environment for us.

• Reduce noise from external source

Along with light, blackout curtains successfully reduce the noise in the room. It effectively blocks sound from external source so that we can have peaceful environment.

• Reduce electricity bill

If you live in a place, which is hot and dry, then you may incur high cost on electricity bill due to more use air conditioning. However blackout curtains can curl the bill efficiently as it help to retain the heat out from room. Blackout curtains naturally reduce the inside temperature of a room in comparison to outside.

• Long lasting in comparison to other curtains

Blackout curtains are made of thick material and therefore the life of the curtains is much longer than other kind of curtains.

3 things you must see before choosing curtains for your rooms

Curtains are the most significant and important part of your room décor, which you can hardly ignore. Curtains create the aura and tone of the room as per your preference. It does not matter whether you buy a new house or revamping your existing room, curtains are the crucial part of it. There is no dearth of choices for curtains in the market. It is difficult for someone to choose from this ocean of curtain varieties. So what are the most important things one must see in the curtains before buying? Here are three most important aspects of curtains, one must definitely see before buying



Fabric or the material is the crucial part of curtains. It helps to create a luxurious look and style statement for your room. There are many different types of fabrics available in the market. Some of the common fabrics used for curtains are Cotton, velvet, sheer laces etc. You must consider the mood and décor of the room before selecting the fabric type. One more important thing for fabric picking is the amount of light you need to pass through your curtains.

2. Solid or Printed

You can go for pure solid color or printed curtains for your room. However it should match the overall décor and type of furniture used in the room. You can either match the curtains with rest of the décor or juxtapose it. There are different types of prints curtain prints you can have as per your preference. You can try some quirky pattern or more common like floral pattern for curtains

3. Colors

Last but not the least the color of the curtains. You should keep the decoration of rest of the room before choosing the curtain color. It also depends upon the kind of room for which you are purchasing the curtains. Like for bedroom you shall try more soothing color for curtains. Many people like the curtains to be in center of attention and try a contrast color with rest of the room.